A Unifying Extreme Value Theory in Random Utility Models

I demonstrate that results from the literature of discrete choice modeling based on the Gumbel distribution can be extended to the Fréchet and Weibull distributions. Draft coming soon!

Felix Iglhaut (Work in Progress)

Spatial Political Sorting on the Neighborhood Level

We examine the degree to which individuals sort into homogeneous neighborhoods. Draft coming soon!

Joseph-Simon Görlach, Felix Iglhaut (Work in Progress)

Terrorist Attacks, Cultural Incidents, and the Vote for Radical Parties: Analyzing Text from Twitter

We study the role of perceived threats from other cultures induced by terrorist attacks and criminal events on public discourse and support for radical-right parties.

February 2023 · Fancesco Giavazzi, Felix Iglhaut, Giacomo Lemoli, Gaia Rubera